Проблемы педагогики
Orynbayeva A.K., Nakipbekova G.B., Beisenbekova A., Zhumabayeva A.
Orynbayeva Aigul Kanatovna – Bachelor degree in Philology, Teacher of English,
Nakipbekova Gulzhazira Berdibekovna – Master in Methodology of Teaching Foreign Languages, Teacher of English;
Beisenbekova Alua – Student of grade 12;
Zhumabayeva Aiym – Student of grade 12,
Abstract: in a world of rapid changes and globalization, languages are essential tools for achieving success in career and personal life. That is why many people choose to learn new languages. However, the language learning process may be regarded as a burden by some people, because they mistakenly think that they have to devote a certain amount of time for dull studying and there is no room for flexibility when it comes to languages. Learning a language as a subject in school is also might seem tiresome and stressful. However, the learning process can be easily made enjoyable and less time-consuming, if you integrate it with activities you enjoy such as listening to music. Young learners are in favor to listen to music during the lesson as an aid in the learning process rather than filling up the worksheets that do not seem to have an application in real life. Once learners choose the song, they can start learning. The process of improving the vocabulary includes listening to the song while reading its lyrics.
The main aim of the project is to show the efficiency of learning vocabulary through song lyrics and recommend how it can be integrated into the classroom and everyday life.
- Identify scientific reasons behind the efficiency of learning languages through music
- Analyze past practices of the music integration into the language learning process
- Conduct an experiment and survey to confirm the effectiveness of the method
- Create a mobile application and methodology for teachers to use this method in real life
- Analysis of past literature;
- Conducting an experiment and a survey;
- Creating a mobile app and methodology;
The actuality of the project is that knowledge of the second language is crucial in making meaningful connections with people all around the world and for job-seeking purposes. In USA demand for employees with the knowledge of the second language doubled during 2010-2015. That is why nowadays learning a foreign language equals to getting a degree. On the other hand, many people around the world are streaming songs non-stop and on average citizens of the USA and UK listen to music for 3-4 hours a day, which is an impressive amount of time and using even the third of this time for learning new words will surely bring real results.
The subject of the project is song lyrics.
The object of the project is to prove the effectiveness of learning new words through music.
The scientific novelty of the project is that the new approach in learning vocabulary with the use of music to enhance the productivity of the language-learning process is introduced as a product of the survey of past literature and primary research.
The methods are the experiment, the survey and the analysis of literature.
The hypothesis is that the new approach created as a result of this project will be a helpful tool for teachers to engage students in the learning process and increase the effectiveness of the lessons. Individual learners also will be able to integrate this method into their routine to use the time they spend listening to music to actively learn new vocabulary. Music is a helpful tool in teaching new words and students themselves would be glad to use this method at school as well as in their leisure time .
The results:
- Scientific arguments for integration of music into the language learning process were introduced;
- Mobile app and methodology for English teachers was created
Keywords: an effective method, learning foreign languages, song lyrics, a new approach, teachers, students, music, sociology, neurobiology, psychology.
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- Fonseca Mora C., Foreign language acquisition and melody singing. ELT Journal, 54(2), 146-152. [Electronic Resourcehttp://dx.doi.org/10.1093/elt/54.2.146/ (date of access: 10.04.2020).
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Orynbayeva A.K., Nakipbekova G.B., Beisenbekova A., Zhumabayeva A. AN INNOVATIVE APPROACH TO MEMORIZING WORDS VIA MODERN SONGS // Проблемы педагогики 2020, № 2(47). - С. {см. журнал}. |
- Информация о материале
- Категория: 13.00.02 Теория и методика обучения и воспитания (по областям и уровням образования)
- Просмотров: 772
Уразов Б.Т.
Уразов Багдат Тулепбергенович – преподаватель, кафедра русского языка и литературы, факультет филологии, Гулистанский государственный университет, г. Гулистан, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация: в данной статье будут проанализированы работы, проделанные Мекембаем Омаровым, и рассказано о направлении его деятельности. Основное внимание в этой статье уделено теме М. Омарова, чьи стихи основаны на темах природы и окружающей среды. Автор утверждает, что этот поэт очень креативен, и приводит в качестве примера несколько сборников его стихов. Также в статье был проведен анализ этих стихов.
Ключевые слова: природа, прямой, косвенный, экология, творчество, поэт, холм, родина.
Список литературы
- Омаров М. Махаббат. Т.: «Шарқ», 1999. 79 бет.
- Омаров М. Атамекен. Алматы: «Нұрлы бейне», 82 бет.
- Омарұлы М. Таудай бол. Т.: «Чўлпон», 2009. 112 бет
- Ўзбек болалар адабиёти антологияси. 1-жилд. Тошкент: «Ўқитувчи», 2006 й. 231-233 б.б.
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Тип лицензии на данную статью – CC BY 4.0. Это значит, что Вы можете свободно цитировать данную статью на любом носителе и в любом формате при указании авторства. | ||
Уразов Б.Т. ОСВЕЩЕНИЕ ТЕМЫ ЭКОЛОГИИ В ТВОРЧЕСТВЕ МЕКЕМБАЯ ОМАРОВА // Проблемы педагогики 2020, № 2(47). - С. {см. журнал}. |
- Информация о материале
- Категория: 13.00.08 Теория и методика профессионального образования
- Просмотров: 834